新闻稿 2023年8月1日

正规博彩十大网站排名 to Design Critical Highway Infrastructure for Brent Spence Bridge Corridor

Supports enhanced mobility 和 transportation for 俄亥俄州 和 肯塔基州

路透达拉斯8月. 2023年1月1日/美通社/—— 正规博彩十大网站排名 (纽约证券交易所股票代码:J)被选为 沃尔什科科辛合资设计建造团队 交付关键的首页作为 布伦特斯宾塞桥走廊项目. BSBC将在肯塔基州和俄亥俄州修建大约8英里的71号和75号州际公路, including the addition of a new companion bridge reducing congestion, improving traffic flow 和 maintaining critical regional 和 national transportation corridors.

俄亥俄州运输部(ODOT)和肯塔基州运输内阁(KYTC)估计合同价值为3美元.10亿年. 正规博彩十大网站排名' scope of work includes leading the design of the one-mile 俄亥俄州 segment, 包括I-75, I-71 和 US-50 interchange 和 more than 40 bridges (1.400万平方英尺的桥面). 正规博彩十大网站排名 will also serve as the independent companion bridge engineer, 进行新渡口的设计检查.

"Using previous project experience 和 local expertise, 雅各布斯和我们的合资伙伴具有独特的优势,可以为这一重要的两州交汇处提供关键的设计和施工,正规博彩十大网站排名 People 和 Places 解决方案美洲北区高级副总裁兼总经理Chrissy Thom说. “通过提供通勤者, travelers 和 freight operators with a safe 和 efficient route to the greater region, 布伦特斯宾塞桥走廊将在未来几十年为该地区服务,提高生产力,改善社区的生活质量."

The Brent Spence Bridge was originally built in 1963 和 designed to support 80,每天有000辆汽车通过俄亥俄河. 目前, 这座桥的交通量是那个的两倍, creating significant safety concerns 和 travel delays. BSBC将适应这一增长的需求,并将本地通勤者和跨州长途旅行的交通模式分开. 连接卡温顿, 肯塔基州, 和辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, the updated corridor will serve the community 和 the region.  

在雅各布, 我们今天面临的挑战是,通过解决世界上最关键的问题,重塑城市的明天, 有弹性的环境, 关键任务的结果, 业务发展, 科学发现和尖端制造, turning abstract ideas into realities that transform the world for good. With approximately $15 billion in annual revenue 和 a talent force of more than 60,000, 正规博彩十大网站排名 provides a full spectrum of professional services including consulting, 技术, scientific 和 project delivery for the government 和 private sector. 访问 正规博彩十大网站排名.com 和雅各布斯联系 脸谱网InstagramLinkedIn 和 推特.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述构成1995年《首页》意义上的前瞻性陈述. Forward-looking statements are statements that do not directly relate to any historical or current fact. 在此使用时, 像“期望”这样的词,”“预计,”“相信,”“寻求,”“估计,”“计划,”“计划,”“未来,”“会,”“会,”“可以,”“可以,”“可能," 和 similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We base these forward-looking statements on management's current estimates 和 expectations, 以及目前可用的竞争性, 金融和经济数据. Forward-looking statements, however, are inherently uncertain. 有多种因素可能导致业务结果与我们的前瞻性陈述产生重大差异,包括, 但不限于, 授予项目和资金的时间以及《首页投资和就业法案》规定的金额的潜在变化, 以及总体经济状况, including inflation 和 the actions taken by monetary authorities in response to inflation, changes in interest rates 和 foreign currency exchange rates, 资本市场的变化, 衰退或经济衰退的可能性, 地缘政治事件和冲突, 以及COVID-19大流行的影响, including the related reaction of governments on global 和 regional market conditions, 等. 对可能导致实际结果与我们的前瞻性陈述不同的其他因素的描述, see the discussions contained under Item 1 - Business; Item 1A - Risk Factors; Item 3 - Legal Proceedings; 和 Item 7 - Management's Discussion 和 Analysis of Financial Condition 和 Results of Operations in our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, 和  Item 2 - Management's Discussion 和 Analysis of Financial Condition 和 Results of Operations; Item 1 - Legal Proceedings; 和 Item 1A - Risk Factors in our most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as well as the company's other filings with the Securities 和 Exchange Commission. 公司没有义务在本新闻稿发布日期之后更新任何前瞻性陈述以符合实际结果, 除非适用法律要求.




