

播客 2024年7月1日


就像全球大多数市场和行业一样, the water sector is facing greater and more complex challenges due to climate change, 人口增长, 成本上升和人才短缺. The question is: how can water companies deliver the best value for customers by turning these challenges into opportunities for people and places? 在这一集里, 我们剖析创新, core values and 关闭 collaboration between 正规博彩十大网站排名 and Northumbrian Water, 它提供了2.7 million people with water and wastewater services in North East England, and 1.800万人只有埃塞克斯和萨福克有水. 本期播客的灵感嘉宾是 海蒂Mottram他是诺森伯兰水务集团首席执行官 凯特·肯尼,高级 副总裁兼 建筑总经理 & 雅各布斯的欧洲首页.
播客 2024年6月11日


How do you build resilient healthcare that benefits patients, health carers and communities? 这是一个复杂的挑战,需要一种新的方法, one that builds on lessons from the pandemic and introduces evidence-based design, 将创新, 跨部门协作和混合技能. 本期节目的嘉宾是这些领域的先驱: 马修·福尔摩斯雅各布斯卫生首页全球总监 Dr. 戴安娜安德森他是雅各布斯公司的建筑师和医疗保健负责人.
播客 2024年4月22日


The climate 紧急 is rapidly emerging as one of the biggest global challenges of our time. 在回应, many organizations have set ambitious sustainability commitments and become focused on doing business more responsibly. Achieving these commitments requires a mindset shift to drive increased employee engagement and adoption, 哪些对长期成功至关重要. Organizations are increasingly looking to their employees to do their part to contribute. But if you’ve never worked in sustainability, then where do you begin? 在这一集里 we’ll explore how sustainability can benefit employees and their careers, 揭示了为什么可持续发展应该嵌入到每个角色和, 最重要的是, 我们怎么做呢.
From ambition to action: Bridging the gap with sustainability Hollie Janson Schmidt
播客 2023年12月5日


In a world where climate change and ESG are becoming increasingly popular buzzwords and themes for Big Business, how can we ensure that companies truly "walk the talk" on sustainability by taking actions that deliver tangible, 有效的结果? 在这一集的如果/当, this question is tackled by Global 解决方案 Director of 可持续性, 弹性 & 雅各布斯美洲地区气候响应, Hollie施密特, who 分享s what she's learned in her career around helping organizations move the needle on sustainability and how to avoid pitfalls in their efforts.
播客 2023年11月14日


在这一集的如果/当, 正规博彩十大网站排名 Vice President and Market Strategist of Global Program Management Jilma Jimenez 分享s her insights on the factors putting pressure on supply chains today and the strategies that organizations can take to minimize their risks, as well as some examples of emerging technology useful in addressing supply chain challenges in the construction industry.
播客 2023年10月17日


本期节目, 马克的可能性, program manager and a leader in the Transportation Decarbonization practice at 正规博彩十大网站排名, 分享了他对绿色交通趋势的见解, including some of the challenges that municipalities face when deploying a green transportation program, as well as the opportunities and technologies that are helping to make more sustainable and environmentally-friendly public transportation a reality.
航天:让我们开拓前沿吧. 佩吉·惠特森
播客 2023年8月23日


在这一集的如果/当中,Dr. 佩吉·惠特森, 公理太空公司载人航天主管, discusses the future of human spaceflight and the role that privatized, commercial endeavors will play to help us push the frontiers of human space exploration. Before joining Axiom 空间, she enjoyed a storied 37-year career as a NASA astronaut and scientist. 她的成就包括. Whitson was the first female commander of the ISS and has flown three long-duration missions to the ISS, has conducted 10 spacewalks and has spent more cumulative time in space than any woman in the world. 加入公理空间, 她指挥了公理2号任务(Ax-2), becoming the first female commander of a commercial spaceflight mission to the ISS.
播客 2023年7月31日


45年前, 剧组开始制作一部预算有限的电影, under the helm of a director making only his second picture and starring a cast of very talented and accomplished actors who were yet largely unknown. The filmmakers themselves acknowledge it was by all accounts a B movie, 而是凭借情感上引人注目的表演, 一个精心制作的故事和视觉效果,超出了这个世界, they created a stunning experience that literally exploded into a lasting cultural phenomenon. 在这一集的如果/当, we sat down with two of the legendary cast members of ALIEN – Tom Skerritt, 谁扮演达拉斯上尉的角色, 和维罗妮卡·卡特赖特, 谁扮演这艘船的领航员, 兰伯特.
聪明的啊&M:给水一个IQ. Jennifer Baldwin Joshua Registe
播客 2023年7月17日


在这一集的如果/当中,我们探索了智能O&M with two experts from 正规博彩十大网站排名 - Digital OneWater Strategic Growth Lead Dr. Jennifer Baldwin and Joshua Registe, data scientist and environmental engineer. We discussed the concept of “OneWater” and how digital tools enable greater support for water management facilities and professionals, as well as the positive environmental impacts that digitally enabled water operations can achieve.
Generative AI: Intelligence with integrity Todd Marks Darrell Collett
播客 2023年7月10日


在这一集的如果/当, 我们讨论了生成式人工智能的影响, 重点是法律, 技术对创意和用户体验的影响. 我们本期的嘉宾是托德·马克斯, Mindgrub 技术的创始人兼首席执行官, 数字体验机构, 和达雷尔·科莱特, 雅各布斯的副总法律顾问. 在Mindgrub的工作中, Todd and his team use AI technology to enhance the digital solutions their agency provides to clients, 在雅各布斯大学, Darrell studies and evaluates the intellectual property implications posed by generative AI.
创造意象:让我们来看看视觉Todd Busch
播客 2023年6月5日


How blockbuster films of today get made is an awe-inspiring mix of collaboration and a constant drive for process and 技术 innovation. 在这一集的如果/当, our guest is Todd Busch, first assistant editor at Marvel Studios. Todd’s career as a film editor and visual effects editor has spanned three decades and has seen him assigned to some of the most iconic film franchises in movie history, 包括星球大战中的电影, 蜘蛛侠, 《终结者》, 以及速度与激情系列. He recently finished an assignment as the assistant film editor on Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, and he 分享s with us a behind the scenes look at the incredibly complex mechanism of teams and technology necessary to pull off these marvels of cinematic entertainment.
播客 2023年5月15日


在这一集的如果/当 we discussed advancements in data science as deployed on behalf of transportation safety. Our guests are Director of Special Projects and Services at StreetLight Sean Co and Michael Brown, data & 雅各布斯公司技术总监. They recently collaborated as part of a team that successfully brought to market a transportation data solution for one of the largest metropolitan planning organizations in the U.S. 在这一集里, 他们从那段经历中分享了自己的见解, as well as their thoughts on how organizations can integrate data solutions into their workflows, and what they see as the path forward for the future transportation data landscape.
